Episode 23: Pollution to pollen, floods to fires: how does climate change affect children with sensitive skin?

Our skin protects us from our environment, and global warming is changing that environment. In turn, new research suggests our changing environment can alter our skin. In this episode we explore the impact climate change has on children with eczema and allergies.  Our guests are: Dr. Mary Prunicki, Director of Air Pollution and Health Research at the Sean N Parker Centre for Allergy and Asthma Research, Stanford University; Dr. Marc Rothenberg, Director of Allergy and Immunology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital; Dr. April Schachtel, chief of dermatology for the VA Puget Sound healthcare system in Washington State; and Dr. Markus Boos, pediatric dermatologist at Seattle Children's Hospital. (Please consider supporting our podcast, with a tax deductible donation). If you are interested in this topic, check out our 2022 research symposium highlights. Read the transcript.

Research mentioned:

Climate change and pediatric skin health 

Linking the allergy epidemic to climate change

The Air We Breathe: How Extreme Weather Conditions Harm Us

Climate change, the cutaneous microbiome and skin disease: implications for a warming world


Episode 24: Is it in your head? How to recognize and address the mental health impacts of eczema


Episode 22: Topical Steroids: Game changer or double-edged sword? What does the research say?